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Case Study: Financial Services​

iWYZE Improves Operational Performance With Callbi’s Secure, Cloud-Based Speech Analytics

100% quality audits for over 200 calls per hour​


Traditional monitoring with checklists and spreadsheets used to be the only way of managing call centre quality and compliance. But when you consider the sheer volume of customer engagements typical in a call centre, this approach is simply too time-consuming and costly to add any real value. Plus, it can’t deliver the rich insights that are really needed to drive operational improvements. To address these concerns, iWYZE turned to Callbi.

100% of calls audited for quality compliance


iWYZE is underwritten by Old Mutual Insure Limited, a licensed FSP and Non-life Insurer. They offer their insurance products directly to the customer with no broker involved. They came to Callbi through an industry referral looking to streamline and gain insights into their call centre operations to help them:

  • Solve business challenges
  • Improve customer engagement and customer experience, and
  • Elevate customer satisfaction.

To ensure that the business conforms to regulatory requirements, iWYZE needed an effective way to measure and ensure quality is adhered to at all times and needed to increase the scope of quality audits while still keeping the cost sustainable.


Improving enterprise compliance
Analysing customer behaviour and agent responses in real time
Measuring the effectiveness of agent-specific training.
Enhancing overall customer experience.


The insurance industry is highly regulated. Without face-to-face engagement with a customer, the direct insurance market relies heavily on call centre agents to foster customer relationships. The calls are scripted and form the basis of any subsequent contract concluded when a customer purchases an insurance product.

The problem is when there are quality concerns, the finger is immediately pointed to the call centre agent. This highlighted the need to change the metrics that were used to measure the quality of the calls and the effectiveness of call centre agents. These metrics must:

  • Align with customer wants,
  • Be geared towards resolving issues, and
  • Be capable of analysing the root causes of quality issues.


iWYZE onboarded Callbi to cover all their call centre interactions across the entire client journey. With Callbi, they can now generate accurate customer experience insights to improve performance and operations.

Agent Training Programmes.

Callbi identifies areas where agents need extra training, giving businesses the opportunity to adapt their training programmes and ensure that agents are better prepared to address customer needs. This is the true value of speech analytics in the contact centre, particularly when it comes to quality and assurance.

APIs With Third Party Integrations

Callbi lets them integrate various APIs with third-party applications like Excel, PowerBI, and web applications to gain valuable operational insights. And they can analyse and visualise data on one platform that helps them make better decisions.

100% Call Monitoring with Accurate Data Analytics

Callbi lets them integrate various APIs with third-party applications like Excel, PowerBI, and web applications to gain valuable operational insights. And they can analyse and visualise data on one platform that helps them make better decisions.

Closing the Loop

It also provides valuable insights to call centre agents, allowing them to improve their performance and enhance customer satisfaction. Callbi’s speech analytics tools analyse customer interactions and show agents how fast they are speaking, which can help them slow down and communicate more clearly with customers.


“Since implementing Callbi’s speech analytics solution, we have access to real-time analytics. We can now extend quality management to every single call rather than just a small manual selection. We’ve seen a remarkable difference in quality improvements over a very short space of time. The implementation process was quick and effortless, and we’ve been able to do 100% quality audits for over 200 calls in an hour.”

Lizette Smit
Manager: Product and Underwriting