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Improve ROI In 2024 By Re-Evaluating Your Contact Centre Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (QA) has always been the bedrock of excellence in contact centres, ensuring that customer interactions meet predefined standards of service quality.  Traditionally, measuring QA posed numerous challenges for contact centre managers, leading to inconsistencies, limited insights, and missed opportunities for improvement. However, the introduction of speech analytics has ushered in a paradigm shift […]

Contact Centre Management: Improving KPI Measurement

Transforming The Way You Assess The Success Of Your Operations Many businesses stick religiously to gut feelings when it comes to KPI measurement. And for decades contact centre managers have relied on traditional methods to gauge KPIs. The problem? It’s wildly inaccurate, outdated, and it’s costing you. Over the last decade, speech analytics has transformed […]

Maximising Contact Center Performance

How Callbi Speech Analytics Provides 100% Call Coverage and Deep Insights  Contact centres are constantly pressured to deliver excellent customer experiences while maintaining operational efficiency and compliance. To achieve these goals, managers must monitor and assess 100% of all conversations to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. However, manually monitoring and assessing every […]

Achieving 100% Quality Assurance with Callbi Speech Analytics

How to Ensure Every Conversation Meets Your Standards  Quality assurance is a critical component of any contact centre’s operations. By monitoring and assessing 100% of all conversations, managers can ensure that their agents are meeting the company’s standards for customer experience and compliance. However, manually assessing every call can be time-consuming and extremely costly. Callbi […]

Achieving 100% Call Coverage with Callbi Speech Analytics

How to Monitor Every Conversation Across Multiple Languages Monitoring and analysing 100% of all customer interactions is crucial for contact centres to drive operational performance and customer satisfaction. However, with the rise of multilingual contact centres, monitoring every conversation can be challenging. That’s where Callbi Speech Analytics comes in, providing insights across multiple languages, such […]

AI-enabled speech analytics transforms contact centre quality and compliance

Artificial intelligence-driven speech analytics opens the door to intelligent insights and smarter engagements that allow for improved customer interactions The world has moved out the office and into the home. Remote working and a growing customer trust in virtual and online engagements have transformed how companies connect with their customers and manage their interactions. As […]

The business case for speech analytics

Customer experience is evolving, and more than ever contact centres need to keep up to date with modern technologies to remain relevant and competitive. Speech analytics is changing the way that contact centres operate by providing extremely powerful features that enables this critical customer contact point to deliver far better service, and resolve queries faster. […]

Translating context: the power of the human voice

Discovering the depths of conversations through an in-depth understanding of language pathology and human engagement The human voice can become the organisation’s most valuable asset – understanding it, interpreting it and using it to transform communication, collaboration and business insights. As customers increasingly learn to vote with their feet in competitive markets, it has never […]